College Connection Warrenton Resident Scrubs Her Nursing Plans for Surgical Technology 8y SALLY VOTH cobot osents aking urgical technology classes at rise. I did know all of them LHOC's Vin Hil e. Supclby the end of thait wock. Thait's the end of the lirst weck. To my and Faita ComiCo ts are port o the when I realized I was she gradhuatod from Batleeldurgical lcam-dhcy set u ligh School in Ilaymarket in 2015, Warrenton resident Hollie Hurdke wann'sure whainstnuments to the sargcon bor mext stcps would be. She equipesest and supplies neoded realize 1 ooald do All of the suical rog irctoe at ill,20 vcal canes in oner to colleps, many with fonding froau they can boooese oducators l lurdle did most of her cases Huedde knew whutever shhe work in hospitals, surgical id, she had todo it hersc Like ber older sisser, she decided the to cnroll in Northem Virginipresident of the Virpinia Stak or all typesod patients. She aso Community College, referred to Assemily of the Associatiom of gota job in the hnpital's serile ces, ambulatory care nitsLtrauma cenler, meaning or the mibtary. Day is also the it canposie the stant of care 21,tonghi she d Hellie Hurdle sets up for a lab at LFCCs Vint Hill site. Hurdle sets up for a lab at LFCCs Hlls al1 the line," she laughs tare ¡ajuMbo" lo be a aficr graukingHie into the RN program a NOVA progrm startod at the college' eoes the sugical techaclogy dlctown Campas in 2004.proam in las July, Ilurdle smart. We re gong in field with esclentjob secuity, The three-semesser program staried her sew job at Ronrcal lifesmrt think the program tght mc 1usa anl Jal .yala always programs A the t she wasn't nd aware o LFCC' RN peopram. omnlogy, fundamntals loked out for us. Knowing ey very belpéud at the hospitall." she e bebind me make e likes ahio helpod me learn ays. "l's very bny, bt itsa ess vsdaring dinicals. It's tiegent and how o People are rcally mice an surgical secheolopist I fecl he Accrolitaion Commission foe liucation in Sursing pamacology and microbiolog very rewanding fecling afber a lknanother mom And. whide Hurdle din froem an accredited supical know about 1FOC'arnsing prograns in time to apply, she did take the national cerificationacoedag to Bundde aotice the supical tochnologyato boooeme a ceriiod certiicate program, and applied surgical lechedegist. She decided to go for it, figaning1 was kind of inimidated technologist and surgical lihe rccomms IOC would be a yer lefore she wbcn/fini staricul my surpeal anis, the says. "It s n <like pcal technology prognm could apply to the mursing Day and instnctor Jall ynda r asciate degree droughsalary of a argical NOVAis fall and may laer sechologst in Vogina was 51450 aoording to data from sa shros her real life e 1Rt" surgical technology peogram, vist www.lfo tochoology dasses Hurdle as. "Tisa lold us we'd have to ook da We're not poing into give out Lisa Day's Ihele was in the secondknol of the instniments by the operating ecom seook siness cards like candy LFCC Cybersecurity Experts Take Part in StateWide Conference UPCOMING 8y SALLY VOTH Lord Fairtax Community Colle of Education Auf Qani served as the keymoe BLOOD DRIVE Sept. 13, 12-5 p.m. comminee, wlech meets MIDDLETOWN, VA Cybersecunly program manager confeence was bo allow The purpoee of the CONSTITUTION AY CELEBRATION Sept 17,12:15-1:30 p.m educab FCC has a scat at the tale preseted at a recent statewideto lom abouu eybervecarity cfforts undkrw ay around the ays Collman Ecellence in C COLLEGE NIGHT Sept. 25, 6-8 p.m Collman Compuler Science High school tcachers we Prolessor Melissa Stange, Associate Profesorof IT Dareell Andncws and Wekfoce learn all that is hoppening in Selutioes programe Samantha Hrill atiended the ngueal Virginia Cbenecunity year university levels, and take great ings IFOCisding in Edacation Cooference at James that back to their classsurity and conpuier Madison niversily in mid The designation-awankd by the US. National Securily confeecnoe so thy could Heny Cottman st both associale dkgrees and cyhecurity. This all. Via this criacal field at the K-12 commanily codlepe and four 1 was there to shore the ding the contereeSOCIAL ME SAFETY Sept. 29, 10-11:30am. The Virginia incorponte areative hinkingroducing gradoes who a vacccwful "hcn they lease stariod adBOOK TALK: DAVE Range Office, which is localed and 0eam"rk m cem petti Hill has tatal an accelera!al GOETZ Sept. 29, 2-4 p.m Virpinia Tech managed theuers, while establising college. "Stange says. The contacts with potential fmost esciting part for mc wapogram The coefercece attracted ncarly 200 aliendloes, which ybersocurity fims and stuknts Range Evecutive Commitiee. JCC to make our classes evon email Collman at hoolman the Flag coespctition Virginiar of the evecutive andEnding ew idcas and included eepresensises trom Farfas on te Virginayberechniqoes to being huck o Colmon repecsents Lod at events Lond Faidas olfers