NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF AN APPLICATION BY VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY DBA DOMINION ENERGY VIRGINIA FOR APPROVAL OF A RATE ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE PURSUANT TO S56-585.1A 4 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA Virginia has to update its Rider TI by which it recovers certain response prograin Dominion's request represents an increase of S145.S million annually, which would increase the bill ofa typical residential customer using 000 kilowatt hours per mouth by S4.18 A Hearing Examiner appointed by the State Coporation Conmission will bear the case on June 29, Further information about this case is available on the SCC website at: htp://www.scc.virginia govicase. On May 4. 2018. Virginia Electric and Power C " Application with the State Corporation Commission C"Commssion" for approval of a rate adjustment dIb/a Dominion Enerry VrginiaDominion" or to $ 56 585.1 A 4 Subsection A4 of the Code of Viginia, filed an application lausc seeks l of a revenue requirement for the rate year September 2018, through Augut 3. 2019 ("Rate Year"). This reveme requirenent, if through a combination of base rates and a revised increment decremcu Rider . Rider TI is designed to recover the increment decrement between the tevenses produced from the transmission component of base rates and the new revenue requirement developed froin the Company's total transmission costs for the Rate Year The total reveme requirement to be increment Ridcr T1 of $286.983,645 and forecast collections of $168.484,002 throu component of base rates. This total revenue requirement r compared to the revenues projected to be produced daring the Rate Year by the combination of the base recovered over the Rate Year is $755,467.647 an increase of $145,534.342 t of Subsection A 4 (the Company's forci Rider T) and the Rider TI rates currently in effect. References in this notice to transmission are inclusive of demand increase the a Implementation of the proposed Rider TI on monthly bill of a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours per month by $4.18 veragc The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Hearing that, among other things, schedaled a hearing on June 29. 2018, at 10 am, in the Commission's second floor coutrooui located in the Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richond, Viginia 23219, to receive testimony from members of the iblic and evidence related to the Application from the Co any respondeits, and the Commission's n desiring to testify as a public witness at this hearing should appear in the Commissions 15) minutes prior to the starting time of the hearing and contact the Comnissions Bailiff The Company's Application and the Commission's Order for Notice and Hearing are available for public during regular basiness hours at each of the Company's business offices in the Commonwealth t to counsel for the Company r Steet, Richond, Virginiá the documents by electronic s also may be obtained by a wrilten t Doniinion Resourccs Services le to the requesting party, the Comipany may means Copies of the public version of all documents filed in this case also are available for interested to review in tlie Comamission's Docunent Control Center, located oa tbe fist loor of the Tyler 300 East Main Street. Richmond, Virginia 23219, between the hours of 8:15a m. and 5 p.m. Monday holidays. Interested persons also may download unofficial copies from the by on or before June 3, 2018. Ifnot filed electronically, an original and fifteen (13) copies of the notice of icipation shall be submitted to Joel H. Peck. C ¡k. StateCorporation Commission, c/o Document ontrol Center, PO. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. A copy of the notice of S VACS-20-80 B-Participaron as respondent. of the Commisson's Rules of Practice and Procedure t also mast be sent to counsel for the C at the address set forth above Rules of Practice. any notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent: (i) a stafement of the speciic action sought to the exfent thben known: and ii) the Eactual and legal basis for the action. Any organization corporation or respondent must be represented by counsel as required by Rule 5 VAC S-20-30. Cotmsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings sliall refer to Case No. PUR-20 On or before June 13, 2018, cach respondent may file with the Clerk of the Commission and serve on tho and all other respondents, any testimoay and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case, and cach witness's exceed one page Ifnot filed electronically, an original and fifteen (I5) copies of such testimony and ex- hibits shall be subanitted to the Clerk of the Comamission at the address set forthbve. Respondents also hallinclude a smmmary not to with the Comamission's Rules of Practice, inc!h 240, Prepaned testimony and exhibis. All ilings siall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00066. 5 VAC 5.20-140, Filive and service; and On or before Junc 22, 2018, any interested person may file written comunents on the Application wit the Clcak of the Commission af the address set forth electronically may do so on or before June 22. 2018, by following the instructions on the Commission's or any otber forn of electroaic s the comments. Alf comments shall refer to Case No. PUR.2018 All documents filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sides of the paper In all other respects, all filings shall comply fully with the requisements ofS VAC S-20-150. Copies and format, of tbe Conmission Rules of Practice. The Commission's Rules of Practice may be viewed at htp:wwwsce.virginia.govicass A printed copy of the Counission's Rules of Practice and a official c Hearing in this proceeding may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commnission at the address above the Couuaission