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    August 7, 2018
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College Connection Spotlight on Cybersecurity at Vint Hill, Engineering at Fauquier Campus LFCC By SALLY VOTH Chris Couns sanys Vinn Hill isondy 73 percens of jobs expected an idca site for cybersecurityob filled raning ted CYBERSECURITY Career Studies Certificate VA Vitt #bll was bult by the broul ticl esending beyond US, Amy daring Werld WarIte classical IT cnviet ecking hih-tech caeers can as a signals intelligence statn he sas. "or erample, lT iod was used cavesdeegon (intcenct of Things) is opeting han One Year! cransfer dkgrce peegranm benetinting by having Prolessor lven costributed to the ecunily The carecr stodics certiicate D-Day invasion Topethr with isfor stadents who alrçady have a degree, perhaps in I Campus twice every weck, bu his rich tradition of cyber and be Vint Hill site is now offering commonicabioms some years back, and who arc looking to eshance their Courses Begin August 20! Fauquicr Campas Dean Carolins companics and data warchones. Wood ays the site is olfening making it the perfect place fo nod another dere, Wood r studenes to gain rcal worldesplans. has accclerato esperience and coencct with Convemlemt Sehedale Momday Nights & One Convenlent Location&Oee Each is eight ceks long and taken consocotively, nishing ie semeser. Tradionally. those Recognizing the buge nedued quickly for eytencounty eyorts around 540-351-1516 the US and particnlarly in teolers clasoes to stuadeti Nethern Virginia Washingson sking an associate degree in spending wo days at the Midletown Cmpas and twoecring graduates is Also in the pasd couple f days at the Fasuquicr Compas so escellent, with great pay and oertificate at Vint Ihl last he can really devese imself obenctits, Lewis says this Aupst, and be linishod y ycar Full time instructor Alvin has ramped up its engineering his stodents in both locatioss nest August, as opposed to teBreer has boen hired four somesters roquired for a mone coeventional ocrtilic.ystems security professional Virginia Toch and Wet Virginia into the cngincering progran Wood saysWe know our students hae many differcntof industry espericnce, with ncodk, so we're trying to be To lcarn more about the transfer depece program, wih We've ad a good namber accelcrated cbenecurity of studkens who have triesfered cetifcale, visit www.lfoc edu ag s with or contact Dean Wood at Beewer has more than 35 years "There's one program wberc thriving." Lewis, who has been 1516 For oe inonatin positions at Ragthcon, ASI andLROC dents can transfe wih the collegs 35 ycars aysocyccurity in procral In adátion to the on-site classes, studentsd ao ke prices," says Professor Lewis,tanerring ino engineering who lcals the enpimecring escarch shows there is abnot the eaginesring prgrms Univenaty aed Cicoepe Mol www.lfoc alu engincering aunuicr Campustetage of This yeor, he will be Impending Job Loss Turns Into Lucrative New Career Thanks to LFCC By SALLY VOTH Lord Fartaa Community Collgecarer ncol lo move foew and with bc and offers a varicty of"The adult education in digitland Workforce MIDDLETOWN, VA may people. leaning ththen saten cu skills.mh1stnal trades Solutions staff workplace of 23 years is clong and alliod heald would be devasaling Bu, for 48 ycanold Ed Broodon it was the digital litercy and careerng the chance to rcinvent himsclf radiness ccrtilicak proprams and to earn a much better ving as well as Workfoece Solutions Heccden repsacrod for A gencral laboncr at a mctal recycding plant in Wincheitrade progra Heceden reached o to ICC whon his boss told employees ose my job here pretty soon. the busitess planned so close.ncod something to all bockon,hand work and the trenton Beecuden Ieft high school inde he sas. "The alult education occiod a ob a Manfactoring Tining CT Virginiaommunity Collepe job Ed Breed den, centor is pictured with LFCC PluggeGIN VA Coordina- Joy Cary, LFCC President Kim Blosser, LECC Workforce Solu tons FastForward Gareer Coach Sherry Pinto and Scott Cartson, apprenticeship grant coordinator for the V2V Apprenticeship Grant, Shenandoah wley workforce Development Board and Workfonce Solutionstalfaancd masing job helped me through everything 1 got my GED, I got my digital he wraps up his work at de liscracy, got the carcor rcadiness scrapyard His new salany i0 ROC are jut so helgful with edene Hurdle, coordinator certheate, g dc manufacturing "I decided wanted get a Winchester tuiness when wanabeut halfwaydeR th when pcrcent higher than his (Id one, whilever you need of workfoece and ccoocenie Plus, be'll pct benefils Katic Branson told me aboot this evorything. l'm all ccrtifiod Now duit he's had a tastepion, there is a "hage necod of highor oducation, Icoles To learn mnore aboul LFOC ee poople trained in the In fact, Breeden has beisconsidering coming backor ectrical.IIVAC.plang CS40) 351-1045, or visit dacaton d career triningecognined by Virginia's program of the LFC Aal heay equpment opcration 1'm thinking of taking signe luness daso, lic says. dcentruction management ficM.. all which workforce dents attain the skills they werkdorce crodcnial from th