*NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS** PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE FAUQUIER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Times set forth are approximate and may be adjusted as necessary. Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 7:00 P.M in the Fauquier High School Auditorium 705 Waterloo Road, Warrenton, VA 20186 The County of Fauquier proposes to incecase peopeny tax levies 1. Assessner Incease Total assessedalue of teal peoperty, escluding: additional assessments due so neu coestfuction or im. provcments to property,exccods last ycars total assessod valac of rcal property by 12.7 percent 2 Lowered Rate Necessary to Offsct Incecased Assessmene: The tax nte which would levy the same amound of rcal estate tax as last year whcn meltipliod by the mew total assessed valuc of rcal estate with the ecesions tionod above, would be S0.940 per $100 of assessed alue. This rateill be korn as the-lonefed lax fase.. 3 Effectine Raie Increase The Couttly of Fauquier progoses to adopl a tax rate of $1.00 per $100 of assessed valuc, or the "ad- vertised rae The difference between the lowered tax ratc and the proposed, or pcroent. This dilfcrence will be knoun as ths ffoctine tas rate incrcase rae woukd be $0061 per $100, or63 In addition the County of Fauquier's County Administrator's proposed budget recommends to adopt a tas ratc of $0.987 per St00 of assessed valoe. The diffesence betneen the loneted ax rate and the peoposed tate wou be 50047 per 5100, or 50 percen Individaal property tases moy, bonver incrcase at a penocntagc greater tho or less than the above percentap Proposed Total Budget Increase: Based on the proposed rcal property tax ratc and changes in other revenacs, the total budect of the County of Fauquicr will eecd last y car's by & 5 pcrcen Based on the County Adminisirator's rocomnnded rcal peoperty tan me and changes in her revenues, the total budget of the County of Fauquier will exceed last year's by 80 percent A public hearing on the increase will be held on Thursday, March 1S, 2018 at 700 pmat the Faoquier High School Audnornum, 0 Wacrloo Road. Warrenton Virginia 20186 Immodiatcly following the close of this poblic bcaring the Board of Superisors will conduct the anmual pablic hearing on the Courty Administ raoe's proposed budpet, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, TAX RATES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2018, AND THE PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2023 FAUQUIER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Times set forth are approximate and ny be adjusted as necessary, with the proposed budget pub- lic hearing to be held inwnediately after the conclusion of the first public hearing of the evening. Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 7:10 P.M Fauquier High School- Auditorium 705 Waterloo Road, Warrenton, VA 20186 FY 2019 County Budget, proposod Inpoemern Program. and Tax Year 201tax rates ill A Public Hearing on the be held by the Board of Depantments, the Ambulance Revenue Hund, the Capital the County Assct Replacement Fund the Debl Service Fund, the Enwincamental Senvices Landfill Fund. Airport Fund. the Fire and Rescue Tax Levy Fund, Inernal Service Fumds, and the Schol Dinion Funds foe the period of July 1. 20080 Jue 30, 5019 Calendar Ycar 2018 tas raies proposed would be effective upon adoption with rcal estatc tases duc June 5th and Doccmber Sth. and persoal peoperty taves due Ocsober Sth of cach year, with an due datc that alls on a weekend moved to the neM businss dn nisors af the timc and place notod above. This hearing is for expenditures and EVCRcs for all C Fand, the Conser ation Easement Service District Levy Fu The pregesed FY 2019 budget includes an everall real estate tas rate of 50.987. The advertised esera real estate tax rate of $1001 woald allow Brsibiliay for adjustments to the FY 2019 propased bedprt parposes cely, The proposed Copital 1m- The peoposied FY 2019 budect, in surnmory form below,is foe infonmative and Escal ponement Program (CIP, plan iotals $72 l mwn onover the fne,car planmtng pen dor this amount $4.8 mlnould be allocated for public safcty and Stc and tescue projocts, $500000 sce Sherds Ofce oaions$7 million Sce parks and ocrcatioeal peojacts $74 miltion for ein iroamental senvices projgcts, $221 million for utility projocts. S170000 for Airport projocts, and 534.3 milion for school h tsa e' pr yects. Copies of she complete p posed budget and che proposed CIP arcailable at the Fasquier County Public Library, the The inclusionof amy ikm in the proposcd budgct does not proscns accemitmcnt by for obligation o) the Fxquiet County Board of Supervisors to appeopriate funds for am isem of purpose lsod The Boand of Superv isoes nuay adpril any orall fipures afler the public hearing In accordance with the Code of Viginia the local tax raes cam ony be adjusted dow ou and foom the adetised es, unless additioral notice is givenand a publie earing held on ary peoposed increane ALL COUNTY RESIDENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND TRIS PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMENTON THE PROPOSED BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, AND TAXRATES Any person nos able to attend ay sabmit weillen com monts to the County Administrator's Ofce, ol Strect. Warrcnton. Virginia 2016 Paul S, McCulla, County Administrater FURTNER INFORMATON if there are questions, or if additional information is desined prior to the public Icaring please conact olice of Management and Budge..$40)22-8 60 County Adminisrators Office (40) 422-8001 Fauquicr County does not discnimurute on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to its programs and actisities Accommodations will be made for handicapped persons spon prior roquest FY 2019 PROPOSED BUDGET FY 2019 Preposed Geseral Fund Revenue FY 2019 Propased Geaeral Fund Espenditures 2019 Propme