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    May 29, 2018
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OFANAPPLICATION COLUMBIA GAS OF VIRGINIA, INC., TOAMEND AND EXTEND ITS NATURAL GAS CONSERVATION AND RATEMAKING EFFICIENCY PLAN CASE NO. PUR-2018-00057 On April 20,2018, Columbia Cas of Virginia, Inc. "CVA or" Company") filed with the State Corporation Commission(Commission")anapplication (Application") for authorization to amend and extend its Conservation and RatemakingEfliciency Man("CARE Plan") pursuant to Chapter 25 of Title 56oftheCode of Virginia. Accordingto the Company, its current CARE Plan includes a portfolio of programs that promote conservation andenergyefliciency among CVA's residential and applicable small general service customer classes and a decoupling mechanism that adjusts actual non-gas distribution revenues per customer to the allowed distribution revenues previously approved by the Commission.In its Apponhe Company proposes to extend its CARE Plan, along with certain modifications and amendments, for an additional five-year period through December31,2023 ("Amended CARElan"). The proposed Amended CARE Plan wouldonly be available to residential customers and includes three conservation and energy efliciency programs, with 16 measures. Specilf- ically, the Company requests approval to extend the followingthree conseration and energy efliciency programs, withcertain modifications, for an additional ive-year period: (1) Web-Based Home Audit Program; 2)Home Savings Program; and (3) Residential Low-Income and Elderly Program. The Company expects to invest S3.7 million over the five years of the Amended CARE Plan. According to the Company, the proposed Amended CARE Plan is designed to recover the incremental costs associated with its coonservation and energy efficiency programs, as incurred, by means of a surcharge mechanism described in Section 12.4of the Company's Ceneral Terms and Conditions (the CARE Prognam Adjustment "CP"). The Company estimates that the proposed Amended CARE Plam's CPA will cost the average residential customer approxmately S3.29 in 2019. In its Application, CVA requests authority to implement the CPA effective with the first billing unit for the Com pany's January 2019 billing cycle (i.e, December 31,2018). The Company's proposed Amended CARE Plan also includes a performanoe-based incentive mechanism and a decouplingmechanism. The details ofthese andother proposals are set forth in the Company's Application. Interested persons are encouraged to review the Company's Application and supporting testimony and exhibits for the details ofthese proposals. The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Comment in this case that, amongother things, directed the Company to provide notice to the public and provided interested persons an opportunity to comment on the Company's Application. The Company's Application and the Commission's Order for Notice and Comment are available for publicinspection duringregular business hours at eachof the Company's business oflices in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Copies also may be obtained by submittinga written recuest to counsel forthe Company. Bryan D. Stogdale, Senior Cou sel, Columbia Gas of Virginia, n, 1809Coyote Drive, Chester, Virginia 23836. Ifacceptable to the requesting party, the Company may provide the documents by electronic Copies of the public version of the Application and other documents filed in this case are also available for interested persons to review in the Commission's Document Control Center located on the first floor ofthe Tyler Building, 1300 Fast Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, between the hours of8:15 am. and5p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Interested persons also may download unoflicial copies from the Commission's website: htp://www.soc virgina gov case Onor before June 15,2018, any interested person wishing to comment on the Company's Application shall file written comments withJoel H. Peck, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.0. Box2118, Richmond. Virginia 23218-2118. Any interested person desiringto file comments electronically maydo so on or before June 15,2018, by followingthe instructionson the Commission's website medium may not be filed with the comments. All such oomments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018 00057 Compact disks or any other form ofelectronic storage Onor before June 15,2018, anypeson or entity may participate as a respondent in this proceeding by filinganotice of participation. Ifnot filed electronically, an original and fifteen 1 ) copies ofthe notice ofparticipaton shall be submitted to the Clerk o the Commission at the adress above. A copy ofthe notice ofparti pation as a respondent also must be sent to counsel for the Company at the address et orthabove. Pursuant to Rule V C 5 )-80 B Prtelpaton as a respondent ofthe Commission's Rules of Practo e and ProcedureRules ofPractice"), any notice ofparticipation shall set forth: () a precise statementof the interestofthe respondent: (ii) a statement ofthe specific action sought to the extent then known; and the factual and legal basis for theaction. Any organization, corporation, or governmment body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by Rule 5 VAC5-20-30, Counsel, ofthe Rules ofPractice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00057. Foradditional information about participation as a respondent, any personor entity shoukd obtain a copy ofthe Commission's Order for Notice and Commem. Onor before June 15,2018, any interested person may file a written request for a hearing. Ifnot filed electronically, an original and fifteen (15)copies ofthe hearing request slal be submitted totheClerk ofthe Commission at the address above, and the interested person simultaneously shall serve a copy of the hearing request on counsel to the Company at the address set forth aove. All requests for a hearing shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00057 and include: (i) a precise statement ofthe filing party's interest in the proceed- ing, (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; (iii) a statement ofthe legal basis for such action; and (iv) a precise statement why a hearing should be conducted in this matter All documents filed with the Office ofthe Clerk of the Commission in this docket may use both sicdes of the paper. Inall other respects, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of5 VAC5-20-150. Copies and format, ofthe Commission's Rules of Practice. The Commission's Rules of Practice may be viewed at http://www.s virginia gov/case A printed copy ofthe Commission's Rules of Practice and an oflicial copy othCom mission's Order for Notice and Comment in this proceeding may be obtained from theClerkofthe Commission at the addressabove COLUMBIA GASOFVIRGINIA.I