NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OFA FILING BY VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY OF ITS INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLA On May 1, 2018, Virginia Electric and Power Company "Dominion" or Company" filed with the State Corporation Commission "Commission) the Company's Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") pursuant to § 56-599 of the Code of Virginia ("Code"). An IRP. as defined by § 56-597 of the Code is a document developed by an electric utility that provides a forecast of its load obligations and a plan to meet those obligations by supply side and demand side resources over the ensuing 15 years to promote reasonable prices, reliable service, energy independence, and environmetal responsibility Pursuant to 56-599 C of the Code, the Commission determines whether an IRP is reasonable and in the public interest. Dominion states that it serves approximately 2.5 million electric customers in Virginia and North Carolina and that the Company's combined service territory in these two states covers approximatcly 30,000 square miles. As indicated in its IRP. Dominion is a member of PJM Intcrconnection, LL.C. (PJM"). a regional transmission organization in the Mid-Atlantic rcg of the United States The Company states that the IRP was prepared for its service temtones m Virginia and North Carolina, which are both within the PJM region According to the Company, the IRP encompasses the 13-year planning period from 2019 to 2033 and is based on the Company's current assumptions regarding load growth, commodity prices, economic conditions, cnvironmetal regulations, construction and oquipment costs, demand-side managcment programs, and mary other regulatory and market developments that may occur in the future Dominion states in its filing that the Company's objective in developing the IRP was to identify the mix of resources necessary to meet future energy and capacity requirements in an efficient and reliable manner at the lowest reasonable cost while considering future uncertainties. Section 56-599 of the Code requires, among other things, that an IRPevaluate: (the effect of current and pending environmental regulations upon the contin- ued operation of existing electric generation facilities or options for construction of new electric gencration facilitics: and (ii the most cost-effective means of complying with current and pending environmcntal regulations. With respect to the regulation of carbon dioxide cmissions from clectric gencration by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the IRP rccognizes that the EPA published a proposal in October 2017 to repcal the Clean Power Plan (CPP) and that in December 2017, the EPA issued an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking to solicit input on whether it should procced with a replacement rule. The Company asserts that it no longer believes the CPP to be a"curren" or "pending regulation; however, the Company includes a build plan under the CPP and the resulting net present valuc analysis in the 2018 IRP Thc Company states it has also assessed a generic fedcral carbon program in the 2018 IRP The Commission entcred an Order for Notice and Hearing in this case that, among other things, scheduled a public hearing at p.m. on September 24, 2018, in the Commission's second floor courtroom located in the Ty er Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Vírginia 23219. to receive the testimony of public witnesses. Am persondesinng to testi y as a public witness should appear at the hearing locaton f een (mnnn s prior to the sarung time of the hearing and contact the Commission's Bailiff. A public hearing will convene on September 25. 2018, at 9:30 am., in the same location, to receive the testimony and evidence offered by the Company. respondens, and the Staff on the Company's IRP The public version of the Company's IRP and the Commission's Order for Noticc and Hearing are available for public inspection during regular business hours at cach of the Company's business offices in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Copies also may be obtained by submitting a written request to counsel for the Company, Jennifer D. Valaika, Esquire, McGuire Woods LLP Gateway Plaza, 800 East Canal Street, Richmond. Virginia 23219. If acceptable to the requesting party, the Company may provide the documents by clectronic means, Copics of the public version of the IRP and other documems filed in this case are also available for interested persons to review in the Commission's Document Control Center located on the first floor of the Tyler Buiding. 1300 East Main Street, Richmond. Virginia 23219, between the ours of 8:15 am and 5 pm. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Interested persons also may dow nload unofficial copies from the Commission's website: p/www.scc.virginia govicas. On or before Seplember 17. 2018, any interested person wishing to comment on the CompaTy s IRP shall file written comments with Joel H. Peck, Clerk. State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center. PO. Box 2118, Richmond, Virinia 23218-2118. Any interested person desiring to file comments clectronically may do so on or before September 17, 2018, by following the instructions on the Commission's website: http/www.scc.virginia gov/casc Compact disks or any other form of electronic storage medium may not be filed with the comments. All such comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018- 00065 On or before July 13, 2018, any person or entity may participate as a respondent in this procceding by filing a notice of participation If not filed clectronically an original and fifteen (15) copics of the notice of participation shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the address above. A copy of the notice of participation as a respondent also must be sent to counsel for the Company at the address set forth above. Pursuant to Rule 5 VAC 5-20-80 B. Participation as a respondent, of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure Rules of Practice"), any notice of participation shall set fonh (i) a precise statement of the intcrest of the respondent:i) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known: and (ii) the factual and legal basis for the action. Any organization, corporation, or govemment body participating as a respondent must be represented by counsel as required by Rule 5 VAC 5-20-30. Counsel, of the Rules of Practice. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-40065. For additional information about participation as a respondent, any person or entity should obtain a copy of the Commission's Order for Notice and Hearing All documents filed with the Office of the Clerk of the Commission in this dockct may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, all filings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 5-20-150, Copies and format, of the Commission's Rules of Practice. The Commission's Rules of Practice may be viewed at A printed copy of the Commission's Rules of Practice and an official copy of the Commission's Order for Notice and Hearing in this proceeding may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the address above.