NOIIIEPUBLCOEVIR ELECTRICAND POWERCOM ANYS PETITIONKRAPEUDENCY REVIEwwTHRESPEC10THECOASTAL on or before September 27, 2018, the am, in the Commissions second Boor courtroom located in the Tyler Building, 1300 East Stalf and On August 3 2018, Virginia Electric and Power Compuny da Dominice Energy Virginia Main Street, Richenond, Virginia 23219, the Csi will seceive ceal argument on (Dominion or Company")filed a petition CPetitioe) with the Virginia State CorNra the-legal es raised by the Petition from the Company, Staft, and any respondeet who of the Code of VirginiaCode) and for other associated a Coastal facilities Copes of the pablic verion of al documents filed in this case are availablk for interested approximately 27per-sons to review in the Commson's Document Contrel Center located on the first flobor en the urs st de miles al ut 24 nautical miles) ofr the coast of Virginia Beach infe etalwalers and the related gemeration an distribution interconnection facilities CCVOW Interconnection Faciities", which include a smaller subset of generation interconnection facilities that of the T er Building, 1 300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, betw aso may 15 am, and 5p.m, londay through esduding bolidays Inerested per copies from the entirely within the C Facilitio loollecthvely, the wind turbine generators and CvoW Interoomnection Facili- ties indlasive of the Virginia Interconnection Facilities, comprise the CvoW Projecto The public version of the Company's Petition, pre-filed ecgulir business hours at all of the Coespany's baniness othces s Petition Drvid J A copy of the pablic CVOW Project would be located on a research lease site prowided by aso may be obtained, at no cost, by written the Veited Statcs Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and held by the Virgiia Depart subemarine cable that wold interconnect the Iwo wind turbine which would connect to an otihore transition point Beach. Virpinia, From the Beach Cabinet, a 3HSkV underground cable Dominion mont of Mines, Minerals, and Eoorgy According to-Dominion's Petition the requeting party, the Company erting cuetC 27-mile long 345kV A/C submarine On or bafore October 2018 any interested porson wishing to comment on the t Cable") ny's Petition shafile written coalments with Joel l mision cro Document Control Cenier, PO. Bas 2118, Richmond, Virgin ?3218-2118 l eck, Clerk. State State MiltanRe ervation at an interface cabineteach Cab- Onshore woxaliary eguipment, and a metering cakinet would be installed Aerested person desiring to file comments electronically may do so on or before Ok- Com-pact dincs or any other form of electronic Cable ould continee onshone for approximately 1.3milessober 3,2018, by following the instnuctions on the Commission's website: httww.soc be filed with the comments All seh comments shall nefer to Cae No PlA-018-00121 The Virginia Interconnection Facilaies would compeise, starting from the Virginia jurisdic Ay person or cality may participate as a respondent in this tional line demarcating state-owned submmerged lands approximabedly 3.6 miles of E Cable, the Beach Cabinet nd the Interconnection Station From the Interconnection Station, the proposed CVOW m at the addres set foeth abone, A copy of the notice oé participation as a Project euld intercoonect with the Compary's existing distribution system via a new 5 ao must be sent to counsel for the Company at counsels address set forth above ffieen (15) copies of the notice of participation shall be led with the Clerk of the Com existing distribution Cincuitar. 421, whih terminates with the Company'sPractice and Procodure ("Rules of participation shall set Sothe SubstationDominion to replace relays inside the existing coa peecise statement of the interest of the trol house at Birdneck Substation to ensate Cir. 421 has proper probection to acceps Eeverse low from the wind turbine gencralors onto the Coepamy's sytem (colectively tion Grid Facilities sou t to the extent then known: and f) the factual and legal basis for the action. All filings hal refer to Case Na PUR-2018-00121. Interested persons should obtain a copy of the Commissions Order for further detals on participation as a respondent Dontinion asserts that the Virginia Interconnection Facilties and Distribation Grid Facili On or befloee Seplemb 14,201& cach respondent mury Sle with the Clerk ef the Com ties are estensions or improvements in the usual course of usness under Coe%56 265.2 mission and serve on the Commission's Staff, the Company, and all ther e approval feom the Commission. Moreover, Dominion asserts sestimoey and exhibits by which the and Sfleen (15) copies of such testimony and eshibts shall be certain wind generation facilities, there is no requirement within Code 56 585, 1:4 direct, other type submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the address set forth above. In all and necessity o pproval tber dlectric iling and seS VAC $20-150, Copics and foreat; and S VAC 5-0-240, Pripannd estimeny and eshilits All Elings shall refer to Case No. IUR 2018-00121. peoposed CVOW Dominion asserts that the Commissioe's duty to ensure that the effects of the Virginia Inserconnection Facilities on the emironment are minimized under Code % 56-46 l is atisfied by the proposed CVOW Project's federal and state appeovals regarding the siting both sides of the All documents filed in the Otfice of the Clerk ofthe Commission in this docket may use s all flngs shaill comply folly with the regaire r In all other operation ef those facilit Energy) in January 208 In lune 201& Dominion executed an The Commissions Rules of Practice may be viewed at the Coemmission's websibe W Project contemplabes that the Pojofficial copy of the Commission's Order in this proceeding may be obtained from the Clerk the proposed CVOW Peoject now if it is to be ready in time to inform on the the cenomic. Deeminion coecludes for additional renecable resources beoen 2020 and 2030, t the timeline s within the Ceespany's projected need Doinion estimates the total cost ef the propused CVOW Project, including the CyOW Interconnection Facilitics, to be approximatcly $300 mition, excluding, linancing costs. Ac- greements with Orsted and LE CVOW Project costs in its buse rate oost of ser the costs for customer redi reinvest otfset parsuant to Code 956-5851 A8 Dottinions peeliminary proposed 0de fot the onshoe Virginia Interconnection Facilities at the proposed Beach Cainet located neithin an existing parking lot at the end of Rale Range Road on Camp Pendleoon Beach. The cable route then extends in a west ward direcion along Rile rouhe berns to the north along area, which wil the Hoeizontal Directional Drill HDD installation undet Lake Chritine. From the ing area, the HDD under lake Christine is northwes direction under Lake Chrstine to the cleared anca on the western side of the lakc, whlich will act as the HDD staging area for the HDD panch-out. The lemporary work space assodiated with each HDD area on cither side of lake Christine will be lo- to a grass area just north of kiferson Avenue. The route then a southern 10 Access Road, which is also called leferson Avenue) off of South Birdneck Road The Commision ntered an Order for Notice and that, among to be helkd on October 9. 201& at 10 am in the Com- in the Tyler Buiding 1300 East Malin Street to offer testimony as a public witness at this bearing should appear in the Com- identify himelf or herslf to the Commission's Baildl The Commission schedukd a pulic evidentiary hearing to be convened on October 10, 2038, at9am. in the same location to receive the testimony and evidence offered by the Company, any respondents, and the should contact the Commission at least seven (7) days before the hear