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    June 5, 2018
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLEC OFAN APPLICATION BY VIRG NIA ELECTRICAND POWER COMPANY FOR AFPROVAL TO ESTARESHA VRGINIA TY wh the State Copetion Cm ommonity Sela P Code § 56-5851 3rog n s cachinestore ned utbt, inching Dommon so desp, and coodst acomunh solar pult po paudt male process, the maim and maimm geneng capacies of the Comunty Sela Potolie andkt Progra at Dominion states in the Application thr, using the RFP process presnbed by Code 56 58513the elicited power perchase agreoments(PPAs')o be evecuted with clige solar Communn Selar Porbotod whin he Compay s serve tenry and ubeoenected no the mall cliple gesenting facilies with a geneting capacity of less then 05 MW The state that based on the tespenes the espan ma' scl ct dat of m ee propctt that qualth as small chpble geneatstg faciates for inclasa 6 &C otnrth Solar Portfolio esadential csomers The VCS Net Rate inclades the cost of the Piot ProganVCS Chare) and a crodit for the market yale of power equl to the net electrical output enrated as well as the capacity p perchase in PE As seuined by Code -88513B7te Compary will netise the RECs and other evrental attbues associated with the resoces seto seve e ur tal cor oe m ee Cotnuth Solar Portfolo st! to getette me able cnetgy Subscrbing cua men wbe subject lo amant, one yearam After heatul one year term The particoipation of retail coudoens in a ooemunity solar plot program) adminstered by a popig utility in the Commonwcath is intle public r Volutan o panon tale schedules appen od by the Conn son pursuit to thi, sotonane noors ar, ceder so acqme trube which ty athe ferthract The Corpan asot, an engoth things, thatthe Plot is also in the public inost bocu i ill ) cnane Fxcl drveication aToss the Comon's generation portelio The uomers ill not be roquised to payoee the csts to serve participoting ousomers uith commenity selar, and (in) Rider VCSis voitany Interested persoes ase encounged to ev iew the Application Amended Application, and sapperting documents for futher details of the Coempy's propoals The Componm's Amendod Agpcation and the Ameadd Ondr foe Noticg and Commont th the Commssion cdod in this case, ane abe for pablis daring glat bnss hours cach of the nuy pevide the noll documents ed in ts case abble for inteaed perons to review in tle Commce'sDocunens Ceetrol Cente also On or before July 10.208, a inesested peon wishing to cosment on the s Amended Applicatios shall file writen commeets on the Applicatioe with Joet H Peck Clek Sone C efer to Case No PUR-2018-00009 copes of the moce of patcpaoe shail be submectedto the Cl of the Comeae at the dess abone Acopy of the aoboe of p at hc addness set forth above. Poryunt to Rule 5 VAC 5-3-80B. Ari ko must he sent so cousel foe the C On or befone July 10. 201 ay inreded person un Ele a witen sequest for a heaning If not fd electonically an eripisal and fies 15) copies of the hearing request shll be sbmed to the Clek of h Conmsiot the hs and the intcsed person multanco shall serive a copy of the hearing roqacst on counsel to the Compauny at the address st footh above All rogpests for a hearig saltto Case No PUR 2018-00009 s Rakes of Fraxoo ma bo Aprintod ospy of the Comms's Rues of Pectice and an official copy of the Commsion's Amendod Order or Sotice and Comnt bove