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    June 5, 2018
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF VIRGINA ELECTRICAND POWER COMPANYS REQUEST TO REVISE rTS FUE. FACOR On May 4, 2018, Virginia lectric and Power Coempany ("Company"or Dominion Encrgy Virginia") filed with the State Corporation CommissionCommission" its application"Application) parsant to 56 249.6 of the Code of Virginia socking an increase in its ful factor from 2.383 cents per kilowatt hour C"OkWh") lo 27190kWh, elfoctive for usage on and afler July 1,2018 The Company's proposed fuel factor, reflected in Fuel Charge Rider A, consists of both a cument and prior period tactor The Company's proposed current period factor foe Fuel Charge Rider A of 2.2660 kWhis designed so recover the Company's estimated Virginia jarisdictional fucd expenses, including parchased power expenses, of approximately S130 billion for the period July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019. The Company's proposed prior period factor for Fuel Charge Ridkr A of 04530kWh is designod to rooover approsimatdly $299 4 million, which represcnts the nct of tno projocted lune 30, 2018 facl deferral balances In total, Iminion Engy Virginia's peoposed fuel facsor represents a 03360 kWh increase from the fuel factor rate presently in effect of 2 3830kWh, which was approved in Case No, PUR-2017-00058 Aocording to the Company, this proposal would result in an annual fuel revenue increase of approximately $2218 million between July 1. 2018, and June 30, 2019. The total proposed fucl factor would incrcase the avcrage wcighted monthly bill of a typical residential customer using 1 000 kWh of dcctricity by $3.36, or by approumaicly 29 The Commission entered an Onder Establishing 2018 2019 Fudl Factor Procoeding (Order) tha, among other things, schodaled a poblie hearing to be held on July 25, 2018, at 10 am, in the Conamssoon's scoonfloor courtroom located in the Tyler Building 1300 East Man Stre ct. Rchmond. Virginia 23219, loreive testimony from members of the publse and evidence related to the Application froen the on pay, any respondents, and de Connassbon's Staff. Any person desinng testify as a public witness at this bearing should appear 13 minutes before the starting tise of the hearing and contact the Commission's Bailaff Individuals with disabilities who require an accommodation to participate in the hearing should contact the Commission at least seven (7) days before the schodaled hearing at 1.800.552 7945. In ils Order, de Commission also allwed the Company to place its proposed fucl factoe of 2.7190 kWh into elfect on an interim basis for usage: or afier July 1, 2018. Copies of the publie version of all documents filed in thás case are available for interested persons lo review in the Commisson's Document Control Center located on the first floor of the Tyler Building, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond Virginia 23219, betwoen the hours of 8:15am and 5p.m.. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Intcrested pcrsons allso may donmload unofficial copies The public version of the Company's Application, pre-filed lestimony, and eshibits are available for pablic inspection during regular basiness hours at all of the Company's basiness offices in the Commonw calth of Virginia. A copy of the public version of the Company's Application also may be obtained, a no cost, by written request to counsel for Dominion Energy Virginia, Horace P. Payne, Jr., Esquire, Dominion Energy Services, Inc., 120 Tredegar Sueet, Riveside 2, Richmond, Virginia 23219. If acceptable to the requesting party, the Company may provide the docunents by clectronic On or Iefore July 18, 2018, any intcrested person wishing to coemment on the Company's Application shall file writlen ortaments " ith, Joci 11 Peck. Clerk, Stake Corporalion Connmassice, co Document (ontrol Center, PO Box 21 18. Richmond, Visginia 23218-2118 Any interested person desiring to file comments electroenically may do so on or befoee July 18, 2018, by folowing the instructions on the Commussion's website: hitp:www.scc.virginia gov case. Compact discs or amy other form of electronic storage medium may not be filed with the comments. All such comments shall refer to Case No. PUR 2018-00067 Any person or entity may parlicipate as a respondent in this procecding by iling a notice of participation on or before June 14. 20O18 Inoiled electronically, an original and lifteen (15) copecs of the notice ol participation shall be filed with the Clerk of the Commissioo at the address set forth above. A copy of the ce cd participation as a respondent also musi be eto counsel for the Company at counsel's adress set forth above Pursuant to Rule 5 VAC S 20 8013 Participation as a respondent, of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure ("Rules of Practice), any notice of participation shall set forth: (C) a procise statement of the inicrest of the respondent, (ii) a staicmcnt of the specific action soaght to the cxtent then known; and (ii) the factual and kgal basis for the action. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR 2018 00067 Intcrestod persons should obeain a copy of the Commissions Onder for further details on parlicipation as a respondcn 0, or before June 14, 2018, each respcendens may tile ith the acrk of de Cottnisson and serve on the Commission's Stall, the Company, and all other respondents any testimony and exhibits by which the respondent expects to establish its case. If not filed electronically, an orginal and fificen ( 15) copies of such testimony and exhibits shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Commission at the a ess set forth above. In all filings, respondents shall comply with the Commission's Rules of Practice, including 5 VAC5.20-140, Filing and serice 5 VAC5 20 150, Copies and format: and 5 VAC 5.20 240, Prepared testimony and exhabits. All fings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00067 Ml documents filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Coenmission in this docket may use both sides of the paper. In all other respects, all tilings shall comply fully with the requirements of 5 VAC 0-150, Copies and Forma, of the Commission's Rules of Practice Tho Commisson's Rules o|ractice may bc vewed at tho Commission's website: http: virginia scc gon case. A prinied copy of the Commission's Rales of Practice and an oflicial copy o the Commaission's Onder in this procceding may be obtainod from the Ckrk of the Commission at the address set forth above